LFOK Vatry, Chalons, France
Location: Lat N48° 46.4', Lon E4° 12.4', Altitude 587 ft
Runways 10/28: Bituminus, Length 12639 ft, Width 147 ft
Runway 10: Altitude 587 ft, Heading 102.2°, ILS 111.30 MHz
Runway 28: Altitude 587 ft, Heading 282.2°, ILS 109.55 MHz
Ramps: Small, Medium, Large
Parking: Fuel
Local Magnetic Variation: 1.0 Degrees
Radio Comms:
Approach, Seine, 121.650 MHz
Multicom, Vatry, 124.200 MHz
Tower, Vatry, 124.200 MHz
Runway Lighting:
Runway 10: Approach None, Glideslope Left PAPI 4
Runway 28: Approach None, Glideslope Left PAPI 4
Runway Approaches:
VORDME10: RWY 10, AA 2500 ft, MA 2500 ft, HDG 102.9°
LF LFOK Waypoint, FD10, VORDME, Terminal Waypoint
VORDME28: RWY 28, AA 2500 ft, MA 2500 ft, HDG 283.5°
LF LFOK Waypoint, FD28, VORDME, Terminal Waypoint
ILS10: RWY 10, AA 2500 ft, MA 2500 ft, HDG 102.2°
LF LFOK Waypoint, FI10, ILS, Terminal Waypoint
ILS28: RWY 28, AA 2500 ft, MA 2500 ft, HDG 282.3°
LF LFOK Waypoint, FI28, ILS, Terminal Waypoint
NDBDME28: RWY 28, AA 2500 ft, MA 2500 ft, HDG 283.3°
LF LFOK Waypoint, FQ28, NDBDME, Terminal Waypoint
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Microsoft FSX Airport: LFOK