"Incomplete Index" Error

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"Incomplete Index" Error

Postby TylerK93 » Fri Oct 16, 2020 9:26 pm

Hi there,

When using Ideal Flight 10.027F31, Prepar3d 4.5 HF3, Windows 10, I get an "Incomplete Index" error. This only happens when I load a clean FSAeroData installation, which puts the FSAD_* scenery entries at the top of the scenery list. If FSAerodata is disabled, the index completes correctly. The index stops after the "Cull airport names" step. Please advise.


---Index.log Follows---
Start Index Log: 16/10/20 15:52:39
Addon Layers: C:\ProgramData\Ideal Flight Professional\Index\ApAddon.idx
Delete Folder Airports: C:\ProgramData\Ideal Flight Professional\Index\FApNames.idx
Open NoILS: C:\ProgramData\Ideal Flight Professional\Index\ForceMerge.txt
Save NoILS: C:\ProgramData\Ideal Flight Professional\Index\ForceMerge.txt
Open Airport Names File: C:\ProgramData\Ideal Flight Professional\Index\ExtApNames.idx
Open Airport Data File: C:\ProgramData\Ideal Flight Professional\Index\ExtApData.idx
Open Nav File: C:\ProgramData\Ideal Flight Professional\Index\ExtNav.idx
Open Waypoint File: C:\ProgramData\Ideal Flight Professional\Index\ExtWp.idx
Open Route File: C:\ProgramData\Ideal Flight Professional\Index\ExtRt.idx
Add Waypoints: C:\ProgramData\Ideal Flight Professional\Config\Waypoints.dat
Open Scenery Layers: C:\ProgramData\Ideal Flight Professional\Index\Scenery.idx.tmp
Extract Scenery Sections: 16/10/20 15:52:39
Include Add In Navdata: c:\users\twkav\documents\fsaerodata files\navigation data\navaids
Scenery Extracted: 16/10/20 15:53:09
Close Route File: C:\ProgramData\Ideal Flight Professional\Index\ExtRt.idx
Close Waypoint File: C:\ProgramData\Ideal Flight Professional\Index\ExtWp.idx
Close Nav File: C:\ProgramData\Ideal Flight Professional\Index\ExtNav.idx
Close Airport Data File: C:\ProgramData\Ideal Flight Professional\Index\ExtApData.idx
Close Airport Names File: C:\ProgramData\Ideal Flight Professional\Index\ExtApNames.idx
Save Merge File: C:\ProgramData\Ideal Flight Professional\Index\Merge.idx.new
Save Scenery Folder File: C:\ProgramData\Ideal Flight Professional\Index\Folders.idx.new
Sort Airport Names: C:\ProgramData\Ideal Flight Professional\Index\ExtApNames.idx
Sort Airport Data: C:\ProgramData\Ideal Flight Professional\Index\ExtApData.idx
Cull Airport Names: C:\ProgramData\Ideal Flight Professional\Index\ApNames.idx.new
Incomplete Index: 16/10/20 15:53:17
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Re: "Incomplete Index" Error

Postby Steve Waite » Sat Oct 17, 2020 10:47 am

Do you get this on stock P3D with fsAerodata?
software architect at codelegend.com
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Re: "Incomplete Index" Error

Postby Steve Waite » Sat Oct 17, 2020 10:53 am

...and are you installing with the add-on.xml method?
software architect at codelegend.com
equipment: i9-9980Xe 64GB 2xRTX2080ti NVLink 2TB M.2 NVMe,
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Steve Waite
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Re: "Incomplete Index" Error

Postby Steve Waite » Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:08 am

...and is this since installing the latest version of fsAerodata or only if you manually modify the installation?

Essentially I need to set up all the same variables to test this out.
software architect at codelegend.com
equipment: i9-9980Xe 64GB 2xRTX2080ti NVLink 2TB M.2 NVMe,
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Re: "Incomplete Index" Error

Postby Steve Waite » Sat Oct 17, 2020 1:32 pm

Make sure after installing add-ons to always run P3D before running Ideal Flight because there's a lot that P3D does to complete installs that would show up as a mismatch and stop the index.

The error indicates a mismatch in the airports available compared to the data available. The fsAerodata is indexed OK. So It might be an error in your scenery config.

I would start with a stock P3D, run it first then run Ideal Flight index to check it out. Next install fsAerodata as you would normally, usually it's with the add-on.xml method in P3D now, and run P3D first. That should index OK.

After that, try installing some addon scenery and run P3D first, close it then re-index in Ideal Flight.
software architect at codelegend.com
equipment: i9-9980Xe 64GB 2xRTX2080ti NVLink 2TB M.2 NVMe,
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Steve Waite
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Re: "Incomplete Index" Error

Postby TylerK93 » Sat Oct 17, 2020 6:07 pm

Hi Steve,

The Ideal Flight index completes normally with stock P3d, no FSAeroData. Then when I install FSAerodata (using the latest version, according to the FsAeroData.exe file properties), and run P3d, it doesn't index correctly. For some reason, even with a clean install of both P3d and FSAD, FSAD refuses to use add-on.xml, and instead adds entries to my scenery.cfg file.

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Re: "Incomplete Index" Error

Postby Steve Waite » Sun Oct 18, 2020 12:06 pm

So does it work with the older version FSAD? Also look in the log and see where the index fails. Seems to be a problem with your FSAD installation.
software architect at codelegend.com
equipment: i9-9980Xe 64GB 2xRTX2080ti NVLink 2TB M.2 NVMe,
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Steve Waite
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Re: "Incomplete Index" Error

Postby Steve Waite » Sun Oct 18, 2020 12:18 pm

In your log it says fsAerodata is indexed correctly:

Include Add In Navdata: c:\users\twkav\documents\fsaerodata files\navigation data\navaids
Scenery Extracted: 16/10/20 15:53:09

Without any information it is hopeless for me to guess at the problem you are having.
software architect at codelegend.com
equipment: i9-9980Xe 64GB 2xRTX2080ti NVLink 2TB M.2 NVMe,
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Re: "Incomplete Index" Error

Postby Steve Waite » Mon Oct 19, 2020 8:23 am

Installing via the older method which updates the scenery.cfg or the xml method which adds the add-on.xml to Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons folder onto P3D v4.5 Ideal Flight shows no errors.

On your setup the index log you posted shows that Ideal Flight is happy with fsAerodata but finds an inconsistency in the airport data.

I'm sure you know that when FSAD or addon scenery of some kind is added in the older method it adjusts the scenery.cfg. If there is a problem in the config it might only show up after adding something.

So as usual in these cases where it is suspected that something installed has upset the scenery configuration, I would set Prepar3D back to stock.

To return to stock P3D we must uninstall P3D preserving the license and rename all the folders. Prepar3D is confusing because it picks up old parts of installs from folders and from the add-ons xml so it is not a simple matter to re-install Prepar3D. Anything remaining from a past installation can go on to affect any further install of P3D.

If the scenery is not correctly configured then Ideal Flight won't continue or it may run into a problem that can't be ascertained and may fail to make plans or fail to find airports properly. It is deemed more useful to instruct the user that something is wrong at the install phase rather than carry on regardless.
software architect at codelegend.com
equipment: i9-9980Xe 64GB 2xRTX2080ti NVLink 2TB M.2 NVMe,
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Re: "Incomplete Index" Error

Postby Steve Waite » Mon Oct 19, 2020 1:53 pm

After some experimentation, I believe this may be a problem with the program that enables and disables fsAerodata. I would remove it and clean it off and reinstall it from scratch.

First of all I would install P3D fresh and run it once before installing FSAD.
software architect at codelegend.com
equipment: i9-9980Xe 64GB 2xRTX2080ti NVLink 2TB M.2 NVMe,
i9-9900X 64GB RTX2080ti 2TB M.2 NVMe, i7-3960X 32GB GTX680 4TB RAID10,
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