The PMDG 737 makes panel state files when the flight is saved, their names start with the same name as the flight file that started the flight.
Ideal Flight starts the flight with the file "Ideal_Flight.fxml" ("Ideal_Flight.FLT" in FSX) and the PMDG saves the files Ideal_Flight.fxml.fmc and Ideal_Flight.fxml.sav in its PanelState folder when the flight is saved.
It might be useful to remove those files before the next flight is started to prevent the PMDG setting up from Cold and Dark.
Make a new text file. Insert the following:
- Code: Select all
rem Delete PMDG PanelState
cd \
cd "C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\PMDG\PMDG 737 NGX\PanelState"
del "Ideal_Flight.*"
...and save the file as DeletePanelState.BAT
This can be edited later by selecting the file and choosing "Edit" from the menu.
The folder in use may be different so that would need setting in as the PanelState folder name in use.
The file can be stored anywhere. The first lines choose the drive and the root, of the panel state folder then changes to the actual panel state folder.
The last line, del "Ideal_Flight.*" means that any files starting with "Ideal_Flight." will be deleted.
Additionally, the .BAT file can be started by Ideal Flight "Start Other Programs" function. However, automatically deleting the panel_state files might not be desired when loading a saved flight.
On the start page of Ideal Flight find the menu item "Start Other Programs".
In that, choose "Profile Selection": "System Wide" (all profiles).
Choose "Starting period": "Before Starting FS"
Next choose: "Add Program", point to the "DeletePanelState.BAT" batch file
Other options there are not important. Choose OK.
After that, when the simulator is started with Ideal Flight it will delete the panel state files.
(Note: Recent I.F. versions can now delete the panelstate files automatically when new flights are built by including a Delete Panelstate item in the Export Files section on the flight generator page).