Hello to all, from Ron Kolesar.
I see the list of options to sellect from after click on the icon shelf button then down arrow to Issue one.
Trying to change the aircraft.
I see the area for prop, glider and jets.
I make sure that jets is selected.
I back tab once and see the air bus.
I want to select the DF7X.
But when I try to use the letter f for Falcon, I get aircraft settings.
Is there a hot key so that I may change from the air bus to the DF7X?
Now for changing to the destination City.
I go back to the icon shelf and smack the enter key.
The good news is that new destination city is the first thing that pops up at me.
If I try to tab left or right I get the error sound effect.
If I simply smack the enter key or space bar on New Destination City it attempts to launch the sim.
So, why can't I plug in a new ICAO code for the destination city and also select that aircraft I'd like to fly.
The only good thing I've been able to do all day was thanks to Steve's help I was able to have Ron plugged in for my profile.
This is going to take for ever to learn.
But at least I am trying.
Matter of fact I'm writing this letter while using NVDA, but the jurrey is still out if I'll make it my default screen reader.
With Deep Appreciation for everyone's help on attempting to teach this old dog a new screen reader so that he hopefully soon will be able to fly once again.